Wednesday, October 7, 2009

MC Final fix to the front page

The previous version of the code only seemed to work on my local machine. I am unsure why, but this new code has been checked and confirmed on several machines, and hence should be the final version.

In index.php replace/add the code with

// find the name of the current category


$thecat = get_cached_category_data('category_safe_name', sanitize($_REQUEST['category'], 1));

$thecat = $thecat->category_name;

if (!$thecat)


$main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', '404error');

$main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');




// start a new search

$search=new Search();

// check for some get/post


$search->newerthan = sanitize($_REQUEST['from'], 3);





if(isset($_REQUEST['search'])){$search->searchTerm = sanitize($_REQUEST['search'], 3);}

if(isset($_REQUEST['search'])){$search->filterToStatus = "all";}

if(!isset($_REQUEST['search'])){$search->orderBy = "link_published_date DESC";}

if(isset($_REQUEST['tag'])){$search->searchTerm = sanitize($_REQUEST['search'], 3); $search->isTag = true;}


$search->category = $thecat;

} else {

$thecat = News; // Search with only opinion

$search->category = $thecat;


// figure out what "page" of the results we're on

$search->offset = (get_current_page()-1)*$page_size;

// pagesize set in the admin panel

$search->pagesize = $page_size;

// since this is index, we only want to view "published" stories

$search->filterToStatus = "published";

// this is for the tabs on the top that filter

if(isset($_GET['part'])){$search->setmek = $db->escape($_GET['part']);}


// do the search


$linksum_count = $search->countsql;

$linksum_sql = $search->sql;

$search2=new Search();


$search2->newerthan = sanitize($_REQUEST['from'], 3);


if(isset($_REQUEST['search'])){$search2->searchTerm = sanitize($_REQUEST['search'], 3);}

if(isset($_REQUEST['search'])){$search2->filterToStatus = "all";}

if(!isset($_REQUEST['search'])){$search2->orderBy = "link_published_date DESC";}

if(isset($_REQUEST['tag'])){$search2->searchTerm = sanitize($_REQUEST['search'], 3); $search->isTag = true;}

if(!isset($_REQUEST['category'])){ // Activates when on the index page and no category select has been activated

$catnameopinion = Opinion; // Search with only opinion



$search2->category = $catnameopinion;


// figure out what "page" of the results we're on

$search2->offset = (get_current_page()-1)*$page_size;

// pagesize set in the admin panel

$search2->pagesize = $page_size;

// since this is index, we only want to view "published" stories

$search2->filterToStatus = "published";

// this is for the tabs on the top that filter

if(isset($_GET['part'])){$search2->setmek = $db->escape($_GET['part']);}


// do the search


$linksum_count_coltwo = $search2->countsql;

$linksum_sql_coltwo = $search2->sql;

// misc smarty

if(isset($from_text)){$main_smarty->assign('from_text', $from_text);}


$main_smarty->assign('setmeka', $search->setmek);

$main_smarty->assign('setmeka', $search2->setmek);


$main_smarty->assign('setmeka', '');


$fetch_link_summary = true; // this feed information back to libs/link_summary.php

$fetch_news_link_summary = true; // this feed information back to libs/link_summary.php for news

$fetch_opinion_link_summary = true; // this feed information back to libs/link_summary.php for opinion

include('./libs/link_summary.php'); // this is the code that show the links / stories

$main_smarty->assign('link_pagination', do_pages($rows, $page_size, "published", true));

In libs/link_summary.php, replace the code with;

if ($new_search) {

// used on the search page

$rows = $new_search['count'];

$new_search = $new_search['rows'];

$the_results = $new_search;

} else {

// used in the index and upcoming pages

$ls_debug = false;

if($ls_debug == true){

echo '--' . sanitize($linksum_count,3) . '--

echo '--' . sanitize($linksum_count_coltwo,3) . '--


if($linksum_count == "SELECT count(*) FROM " . table_links . " WHERE link_status='published' "){

if($ls_debug == true){echo 'p';}

$rows = $cached_totals['published'];

} elseif ($linksum_count == "SELECT count(*) FROM " . table_links . " WHERE link_status='queued' ") {

if($ls_debug == true){echo 'u';}

$rows = $cached_totals['queued'];

} else {

if($ls_debug == true){

echo 'r';}

$rows = $db->get_var($linksum_count);

$rows_opinion = $db->get_var($linksum_count_coltwo);


if($ls_debug == true){echo '
' . sanitize($rows,3) . '

$links = $db->get_col($linksum_sql);

$the_results = $links;

$links_opinion = $db->get_col($linksum_sql_coltwo); // Brings in second search data from index.php

$the_results_opinion = $links_opinion; // Brings in second search data from index.php



// find out if the logged in user voted / reported each of

// the stories that the search found and cache the results


// DB 03/02/09

// $vote = new Vote;

// $vote->type='links';

// $vote->user=$current_user->user_id;

// $vote->link=$the_results;

// $results = $vote->user_list_all_votes();


$vote = '';

$results_opinion = ''; // we don't actually need the results

// we're just calling this to cache the results

// so when we foreach the links we don't have to

// run 1 extra query for each story to determine

// current user votes

// setup the link cache

$sql = "SELECT " . table_links . ".* FROM " . table_links . " WHERE ";

$sql_saved = "SELECT * FROM " . table_saved_links . " WHERE saved_user_id=" . $current_user->user_id . " AND ";

$ids_opinion = array();

foreach($the_results_opinion as $opinion_link_id) {

// first make sure we don't already have it cached


$ids_opinion[] = $opinion_link_id;



$saved_ids[] = $opinion_link_id;



// if count = 0 then all the links are already cached

// so don't touch the db

// if count > 0 then there is at least 1 link to get

// so get the SQL and add results to the cache

if ( count ( $ids_opinion ) ) {

$sql .= 'link_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids_opinion).')';

foreach ( $db->get_results($sql) as $row ) {

$cached_links[$row->opinion_link_id] = $row;


$link_authors[$row->link_author] = $row->link_author;




// get all authors at once from the users table

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . table_users . ' WHERE ';

if ( count ( $link_authors ) ) {

$sql .= 'user_id IN (' . implode(',', $link_authors) . ')';

foreach ( $db->get_results($sql) as $user ) {

$cached_users[$user->user_id] = $user;



// user saved _links

if ( count ( $saved_ids ) ) {

$sql_saved .= 'saved_link_id IN ('.implode(',',$ids_opinion).')';

$results_opinion = $db->get_results($sql_saved);


foreach($results_opinion as $row){

$sl[$row->saved_link_id] = 1;



foreach($the_results_opinion as $opinion_link_id) {


$cached_saved_links[$opinion_link_id] = 1;

} else {

$cached_saved_links[$opinion_link_id] = 0;




// end link cache setup


global $display_grouplinks;

if(!isset($link_summary_output)){$link_summary_output = '';}

if ($new_search) {

foreach($new_search as $link_id) {



if( $display_grouplinks ) $link->link_group_id = 0;

$link_summary_output .= $link->print_summary('summary', true); // standard function call

$news_link_summary_output .= $link-> print_news_summary('summary', true); // news only function call


} else {

if ($links) {

foreach($links as $link_id) {



$link_summary_output .= $link->print_summary('summary', true); // standard function call

$news_link_summary_output .= $link-> print_news_summary('summary', true); // news only function call




if ($new_search) {

foreach($new_search as $opinion_link_id) { //function to apply second search function



if( $display_grouplinks ) $link->link_group_id = 0;

$opinion_link_summary_output .= $link_opinion-> print_opinion_summary('summary', true); // opinion only function call


} else {

if ($links_opinion) {

foreach($links_opinion as $opinion_link_id) { //function to apply second search function



$opinion_link_summary_output .= $link_opinion-> print_opinion_summary('summary', true); // opinion only function call




if(isset($fetch_link_summary) && $fetch_link_summary == true){ // standard feedback from index.php

$main_smarty->assign('link_summary_output', $link_summary_output);

} else {

echo $link_summary_output;


if(isset($fetch_news_link_summary) && $fetch_news_link_summary == true){ // news feedback from index.php

$main_smarty->assign('news_link_summary_output', $news_link_summary_output);

} else {

echo $news_link_summary_output;


if(isset($fetch_opinion_link_summary) && $fetch_opinion_link_summary == true){ // opinion feedback from index.php

$main_smarty->assign('opinion_link_summary_output', $opinion_link_summary_output);

} else {

echo $opinion_link_summary_output;


In libs/link.php, add the following code;

function read_opinion($usecache = TRUE) {

global $db, $current_user, $cached_links;

$id_opinion = $this->id_opinion;

$this->rating = 0;

if(!is_numeric($id_opinion)){return false;}

// check to see if the link is cached

// if it is, use it

// if not, get from mysql and save to cache

if (isset($cached_links[$id_opinion]) && $usecache == TRUE) {

$link_opinion = $cached_links[$id_opinion];

} else {

$link_opinion = $db->get_row("SELECT " . table_links . ".* FROM " . table_links . " WHERE link_id = $id_opinion");

$cached_links[$id_opinion] = $link_opinion;


if($link_opinion) {









$this->url= $link_opinion->link_url;

$this->url= str_replace('&', '&', $link_opinion->link_url);







// DB 01/08/09


// $date=$link_opinion->link_date;

// $this->date=$db->get_var("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$date')");


// $date=$link_opinion->link_published_date;

// $this->published_date=$db->get_var("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$date')");


// $date=$link_opinion->link_modified;

// $this->modified=$db->get_var("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$date')");


$this->fullread = $this->read = true;

$this->link_summary = $link_opinion->link_summary;

















return true;


$this->fullread = $this->read = false;

return false;


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