Open index page. This includes info from
Smarty.class.php leads to class.compiler.php
config.php provides the base configuration; warnings not to edit
in /libs folder
Selects using isset and REQUEST to see if on category page, if not then loads up Can we use this for category inclusion?
else {
// breadcrumbs and page title
$navwhere['show'] = 'yes';
$navwhere['text1'] = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News');
$navwhere['link1'] = getmyurl('root', '');
$main_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere);
$main_smarty->assign('posttitle', $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Home_Title'));
$main_smarty->assign('page_header', $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News'));
// pagename
define('pagename', 'index');
$main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
if it does then it uses
if(isset($_REQUEST['category'])) {
$category_data = get_cached_category_data('category_safe_name', sanitize($_REQUEST['category'], 1));
$main_smarty->assign('meta_description', $category_data->category_desc);
$main_smarty->assign('meta_keywords', $category_data->category_keywords);
// breadcrumbs and page title for the category we're looking at
$main_smarty->assign('title', ''.$main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News').' - ' . $thecat . '');
$navwhere['text1'] = $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News');
$navwhere['link1'] = getmyurl('root', '');
$navwhere['text2'] = $thecat;
$main_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere);
$main_smarty->assign('pretitle', $thecat );
$main_smarty->assign('posttitle', $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News'));
$main_smarty->assign('page_header', $thecat . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Published_News'));
// pagename
define('pagename', 'published');
$main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
This summons the pligg.tpl file with
// show the template
$main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', $the_template . '/index_center');
$main_smarty->display($the_template . '/pligg.tpl');
pligg.tpl then assembles the main body of the page.
This defines the page's structure, split between the different paragraphs
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_content_start"}
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_above_center"}
{include file="wistie/index_center_index_1.tpl"}
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_below_center"}
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_content_end"}
This connects to the file wistie/index_center.tpl
This then links to libs/link_summary.php
This connects to link_summary.tpl, which creates the individual stories.
Ultimate goal; two columns on front page which show the two categories side by side.
Present changes; style.css has been adjusted with a new leftcoltwo value, allowing the pages to fit together.
pligg.tpl has been altered with
{if $pagename eq "submit"}
{elseif $pagename eq "index" } if index page
{section name=thecat loop=$cat_array start=$start} starts a loop; one loop for each catagory
uses the leftcoltwo values
{if $pagename eq "group_story"}
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_content_start"}
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_above_center"}
{include file="wistie/index_center_index_1.tpl"} connects to index.tpl
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_below_center"}
{checkActionsTpl location="tpl_pligg_content_end"}
Planned path;
- This page seems to be the initial place where categories are defined. Construct a if-else statement that if the pagename = index, creates two categories using the if(isset ($_REQUEST['category'])) { code to create a $thecat and $thecattwo which are inherited by the subsequent pages.
- this may require inserting the category loop in this page, summoning pligg.tpl twice, once for each catagory. Since pligg.tpl constructs the html page, this may cause problems here though, so will need careful testing and checking.
- (if the category loop is not used in index.php) Using the category loop, construct a pair of columns, one using $thecat and the other using $thecattwo.
- This will call subsequent pages using
- Unmodified
- May need modifying; standard calls the category from the url. May need adjusting to use alternate data, possibly with redundant pages.
- Unmodified