Monday, September 28, 2009

MC Converting Tags into new catagories

Several steps have been undertaken so far;


created code to create a list of all tags

function tag_list(){ // this creates a list of all tags in the database

global $db; // connects to database details

$tag_list = $db->get_results("SELECT tag_words FROM pligg_tags ORDER BY 'tag_words'"); // selects all tags in the database

$tag_list = object_2_array($tag_list); // converts results to an array

foreach($tag_list as $id => $rs){

$tag_list[$id]['tag_words'] = $rs['tag_words']; // links the tag name to each tag


return $tag_list; // returns list to function summon




{include file=$the_template_sidebar_modules."/categories2.tpl"}

to add a second layer with the tags through file categories 2


then added

$taglist = tag_list();

$var_smarty->assign('taglist', $taglist);

so this array would be passed on into the tpl files.

This means that using a submit loop;

{section name=thetag loop=$taglist}



inserts all tag names onto the page

As a result, there is a second catagory column, with a list of all tags. The next step is to insert these into buttons, and attach the search code used in the tag cloud page.

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