Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Completed Tag to category code

Category improvements complete;


created code to create a list of the top five tags

function tag_list(){

global $db;

$tag_list = $db->get_results("SELECT `tag_words`, COUNT(tag_words) AS NumOccurrences FROM `pligg_tags` GROUP BY `tag_words` ORDER BY 'NumOccurrences' LIMIT 0, 6");

$tag_list = object_2_array($tag_list);

foreach($tag_list as $id => $rs){

$tag_list[$id]['tag_words'] = $rs['tag_words'];


return $tag_list; // returns list to function summon


then added

$taglist = tag_list();

$var_smarty->assign('taglist', $taglist);

to "function do_sidebar()" so this array would be passed on into the tpl files.


This means that using a submit loop;

{section name=thetag loop=$taglist}



inserts all tag names onto the page

With this as a starting point, we can then create a second loop, using tags, which is inserted directly after the previous loop closes (i.e. right after {/section})

{section name=thetag loop=$taglist start=$start}

[li{if $cat_array[thecat].principlecat neq 0} class="dir"{/if}]

[a href="{$my_pligg_base}/search.php?search={$taglist[thetag].tag_words}&tag=true"]{$taglist[thetag].tag_words}[/a]

{if $cat_array[thecat].principlecat eq 0}[/li]{else}[ul]{/if}


This uses the my_pligg_base url, to avoid problems with incorrect linking, and attaches the search.php?search as with the tag cloud. This links to the page.

While this seems to work fine, it has helped me spot a problem in the search.php file. Something to look into later.

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